
Archive for September 1st, 2007

On this Labor Day weekend, I wonder how you are doing with the transition from summer to fall, swimming pools closing, schools back in session, and a shift in our outlooks and schedules. A friend recently returned from retreat and said it was hard to go back to work. Most of us have had similar feelings at the end of time off.

How do you transition from time off to time back on task and focused? How does your body feel? What sorts of thoughts and expectations do you have?

Sometimes we feel sluggish when we are not looking forward to something. Sometimes our thoughts tend toward the negative “this isn’t going to be fun” or “I can’t do this”. What would it feel like if we thought “this is a different kind of fun” or “I don’t really want to do this right now, but I can do it. I have done it before and I’m good at it.”

We can do various things to help ourselves with transitions, especially the transition from time off to time “on”. Try checking your thoughts and shifting to something accurate and hopeful. Remember and draw strength from the nourishment you got when you were off. Rather than grieving the loss of it, hold onto and treasure the benefits it gave you.

Welcome back to being “on”. Even as the seasons change and our focus shifts, we can make a commitment to enjoy the brief time off that we get (breaks, evenings, weekends). Focus on the nourishment provided and savor it when you’re “on” again.

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